Since Jelly Bean ROM was created for Galaxy Nexus first, the ROM was ported subsequently to other leading handsets. As we said yesterday that Jelly Bean fest has just begun and there seems to be a long way to go. Yesterday, we brought news in regards to Jelly Bean ROM for Galaxy S2 via this link: Today, we have even better news. Jelly Bean port for Samsung Galaxy S is just on the way. We love digging and we have dug this under wraps news via XDA. We have provided the official thread link at the end of the post.
The new ROM port that is being created is named as TAJB Jelly Bean ROM Port for Galaxy S.Developer mkalter along with his team is doing this brilliant and challenging job. Even though we can say that this ROM is almost ready, it is still going through the testing phase. Thus, we recommend that you should not try this custom made ROM as of now unless and until you are an ardent Android tester or have knowledge about all aspects of Android platform. Thus, before you move ahead towards the details of Jelly Bean ROM for Galaxy S and the installation procedure for the same, kindly go through the disclaimer.
Disclaimer: Installing or flashing custom ROMs on Android handset is always a bit risky. Thus you must go ahead with it only if you are confident enough to face that challenge. At least you should know what you are doing. We hope you know that you are liable for your actions and thus you must flash the ROM at your risk. TAJB ROM for Galaxy S is in the alpha or testing phase and thus one should be extra cautious.
Details about Jelly Bean ROM for Samsung Galaxy S
The following things are working:
-Internal/External SD
It is still being tested as to which things are not working and what kind of bugs this ROM faces.
Install Jelly Bean ROM on Galaxy S GT-I9000(for testing only)
Let us again remind you that this ROM is still under development and thus you need to be very careful. We are providing the procedure to install Jelly Bean ROM on Samsung Galaxy S only for educational purpose. If at all you are testing this, we recommend you to take proper back up first. Relevant downloads have been provided in the official thread. This is available at the end of the post.
Instructions to Flash Jelly Bean ROM on Galaxy S
1. Use CWM
2. Factory Reset
3. Wipe cache and then move to advanced and Dalvik cache
4.Flash the ROM given in the official link (
5. Afterwards, repeat the wipe step
6. Go to advanced and fix permissions
7. Finally, reboot the device.
You can also watch the video tutorial right here:
We hope that you found this post as quite educational and useful. To know more on this just stay tuned. Also, we heartily thank TAJB team and appreciate their work. Hats off to them!
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