Monday, July 9, 2012

Galaxy Note 2 expected to ship later this year with 5.5-inch screen

samsung, tablet, galaxy note, galaxy note 2, 5.5-inch scre
If for some strange reason you thought the Samsung Galaxy Note wasn’t large enough already, we are now hearing that the next model expected to launch later this year will have an even bigger display. The Galaxy Note 2 will reportedly ship with a 5.5-inch screen, according to unnamed sources as reported by MK Business News.

The handset is expected to make its debut next month at Germany’s IFA 2012 trade show. Aside from the larger screen, the Note 2 will have an unnamed quad-core processor, most likely the Exynos 4 Quad. A 12-13MP camera could grace the backside of the phone, a sizable upgrade from the 8MP camera found on the original. Of course, a camera’s quality isn’t based solely on megapixels, but the bump is a nice improvement.

The report also points out that the Note 2 will arrive running Android 4.1 Jelly Bean, although we are unsure what UI improvements Samsung has planned for the device.

Although 5.5-inches sounds massive for a phone screen (and frankly, it is), it really isn’t going to be that much larger than the first generation Note. But even still, many people have called the Note out for simply being too large and tablet-like, the latter complaint serving as a marketing point for Samsung. Either way, it does pose a valid concern with regards to how big is too big. After all, most entry-level tablets start at 7-inches, which isn’t too far from the 5.5-inch mark.

The Note 2 is expected to launch sometime in September or October as a direct competitor to Apple’s new iPhone. No word yet on how much the phone will cost, however.

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